Microscope Dentistry Adelaide
Vision is key to a long lasting and precise restoration that is why we have invested in the best operating microscope on the market, a Zeiss OPMI PROERGO.
Magnification has long been used in dentistry mainly by way of dental magnification loupes.
Dental operating microscopes have been around for a better part of 20 years.
The view, clarity and magnification are far better through a microscope, loupes do not come close.
Our Microscope has a Canon SLR camera as well as a Sony HD camera for live recording and image capture allowing us to communicate and clearly demonstrate what needs to be done. A picture tells 1000 words and we can show it in extreme clarity. An informed patient is usually a happy one.
All aspects of dentistry are performed by Dr Zielinski with the aid of the microscope. From simple fissure sealants, through to crowns bridges and especially endodontics.
When you do fillings through a microscope you see exactly what you are cutting (old filling or decay) and cut very conservatively preserving vital tooth structure. You see if the tooth is decay free. You see the proximity of the pulp chamber and if the dentine is dry but not over dry (crucial in composite fillings). The filling material is placed correctly and on completion you see how precisely the filling is polished. You do actually see the bur marks on tooth and filling if not polished properly, this is not visible with the naked eye and not that clear through the standard 2.5 magnification dental loupes.
Crowns and veneers prepared under a microscope are precise and smooth with good margins, essential for a long lasting crown.
Remember that in restorative dentistry, a precise job is long lasting and thus conservative. If for example a poorly fitting crown has to be redone once or twice over a 20 year period as opposed to one which lasts the 20 years then it is obvious that the one crown is by far the more conservative since every time the tooth is reprepared, more tooth is inevitably cut. The less tooth that you have to cut to achieve the desired result the better off is the patient by having more vital tooth structure and financially too. Why redo 2 or 3 times when once is enough.
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